Privacy Policy

First, we want to make sure you know protecting your privacy is important to us. The following statement will help you understand how our applications deal with personally identifiable information (‘PII’). You may occasionally provide to us PII via the Internet (the Google Play Platform).

Generally, we do not collect any PII from you when you download our applications. That means we do not require the consumers to register before downloading our application. Also, we do not require any PII from the user. We don’t have a Server to store such PII.

Our Free app (excluding Pro and Upgraded version) uses AdMob as an ad provider. AdMob wants to show ads relevant to you and uses the device’s advertising ID to serve personalized ads based on the user’s interests. Read all about Google page to opt-out of customized advertising: And here is the link to Google’s Privacy Policies: and

In addition, our app uses Firebase Crashlytics and Firebase Analytics by Google for capturing automatic crash reports, usage statistics data, and demographics data. We do not use or store any PII data via this service. Data that we can get is anonymous and purely statistical. Get to know all about Firebase Privacy Policy:

Our app uses Facebook Analytics for capturing usage statistics data. We do not use nor store any PII data via this service, and data that we can get is anonymous and purely statistical. A link to Facebook Privacy Policy:

Our app allows the optional use of Google Drive API or Dropbox API as a backup system. You need to know that we don’t have access to any data stored on your Dropbox or Google Drive through this API. Check the link to Google’s privacy policy: And here is the link to Dropbox privacy policy:

We may only get access to your PII when you decide to email us your feedback or provide a bug report. The PII we may get from you in that situation is strictly limited to your name, email address, and survey response only.

Furthermore, we will use your PII for contacting you and improving our services only. We will never use such information (e.g., your name and email address) for any other purposes.

Sending us your feedback or bug report is entirely voluntary. Also, we may update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. If you have any additional questions about our privacy policy, feel free to email us at

In the end, our Free app is not directed to children, and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under 13 years of age.